Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Different ways to build a healthy relationship

Different ways to build a healty relationship

Things are changing rapidly in today's society, even in dating relationships; time is no longer essential and because of that separation in a relationship occurs rampantly indifferent of how long a relationship has lasted. What this all means is that longevity is no longer a guarantee that any relationship will last beyond it useful live at any time sometime unexpected comes between the two parties. So, the simple question that someone in protracted healthy dating relationship has to ask him or herself is; can this relationship carry on and lead to something more if I don't work hard on it?

If you absolutely want to revitalize and make your relationship last for a long time, here are five tips that you can use.

1. Be a trustful person: Your partner wants to know that he or she can trust you no matter what. Be candid and clear when you talk to each other and understand that honesty is always to best policy particularly in a relationship. White lies can only get you so far, if you're dedicated about your relationship you must learn how to dish the lies and how to genuinely be honest with your lover. If you are a addicted liar keeping a relationship will be a struggle for you; nevertheless, you could be truthful with your partner about your weakness in not telling the truth and beg him or her to encourage you to be more honest. Stay honest with your lover so that she can also be candid with you.

2. Keep your commitment: Do not accept a date invitation unless you are up to it and can show your date that you are there with them to have a great time. You can say genuinely that you are looking forward to your romantic date but your body just can't manage to cope up. Most partners or even first date will understand your honesty and will be agreeable to re-schedule your date when you both will be prepared and up to it. I will make it up to you is probably one the desirable phrases that most healthy dating relationship is based on; so when you fail your partner in any way, promise to make it up to them and you would be taken aback how fast your partner will accept your regrets. This way, she will appreciate that you value her.

3. Docket your activities together as a team: When planning for social activities or convenience travel that will involve your partner make sure that you let them in on it ahead of time so that they can make their schedule fit also. Do not assume that your schedule will always fit your partner's schedule; appreciate them and keep them informed of what you are doing ahead of time. As you allow your partner to make a decision to include you, so should you expect them to take part in your decision, but don't persuade them into it.

4. Control your expectations: Communicate candidly about your emotions and expectations, but do not invariably expect your partner to comprehend or be ready to meet your expectations mainly if you did not convey that to them distinctly. Most relationships fail because couples are not forthcoming about their affection; and even sometimes hide their feeling or what they think about the relationship with the other person.

5. Respect and support their occupation: Whether you have career of your own or not, continually try to appreciate what your partner does for a living, but more essentially avoid competing with your lover as far as occupation goes. Harmony and appreciation of one careers and ideas is a serious part of every successful relationships; therefore learn to appreciate and support each other's jobs and aspirations.

Give and take is a simple solution to many acrimonious relationship, and partners who find out early on to give and take will see their relationship grow healthier. Healthy dating relationship is in name only when individuals who admit to love each other are not respecting each other's feeling, and are not being truthful with each other, and most important; are as strangers to one another.

{Lastly, I want to say that these tips and ideas are not original. These are simple natural tips that most folks who have been in relationship for some time probably know about. So take them to heart and use them in your relationship as needed|To infer, I must say that these ideas and tips on healthy relationship are not new. There are advices that have been used by lovers for many years to enhance their relationships. So if you think that you need it, apply it in your relationship and see if it helps|The last and not the least, take these healthy relationship tips to heart; this may not be the first time you heard about them and plausibly will not be the last. Try to apply them in your own relationship where you think it is needed, and hopefully it can make a difference in your own life.

Are you looking for relationship advice for men that you could use to advance your relationship? If your answer is yes I firmly recommend that you visit dating advice for women Pages for more information on how you can accomplish just that.

Or visit www.winningatlove.com

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Is your relationship bad for you

Is your relationship bad for you

A bad relationship is not the one that is going through a rough patch of disagreement and bitterness that are inevitable when two different people come together. In fact, the attachment in such relationships is with someone who is 'unattainable' in the sense that he or she is committed to somebody else, and doesn't want a long-term relationship, or is incapable of one.

Bad relationships are lacking in what one or both partners need. Such relationships can destroy self-esteem and prevent those involved from moving on, in their careers or personal lives. They are often fertile breeding grounds for loneliness, rage, and despair. These are addictive relationships when both the two partners are often on such different wavelengths that there is very little common between them. They hardly communicate with one another and don't enjoy the time spent together.

Remaining in such a relationship not only causes continual stress but may even be physically harmful for either of the partners. Physical abuse that is often a part of such relationships dominates instead of love. The tensions cause constant stress and they can drain energy and lower resistance to physical illness. Continuing such a relationship can lead to unhealthy escapes such as alcohol or drug abuse and can even lead to suicide attempts.

Despite the pain of these relationships, many rational and practical people find that they are unable to let go, even though they know the relationship is not going anywhere. One part of them wants to let go of the relation but a stronger part refuses or feels helpless to take any such action. It is in this sense that the relationship is addictive. Look out for these signs:


Even though you know the relationship is bad for you, and others also may have told you this, you take no effective steps to end it. You give yourself reasons for staying in the relationship that are not really accurate or that are not strong enough to counteract the harmful aspects of the relationship. When you think about ending the relationship, you feel terribly anxious and afraid. This makes you cling onto it even more.

When you take steps to end the relationship, you suffer painful withdrawal symptoms, including physical discomfort, that is only relieved by re-establishing contact.

If most of these signs apply to you, then you are probably in an addictive relationship and have lost the capacity to direct your own life. To move towards recovery, your first steps must be to recognise that you are 'hooked' and then try to understand the basis of your addiction. In this way, you will be able to understand the perspective to determine whether, in reality, the relationship can be improved or whether you need to leave your partner.


There are several factors that can influence your decision to remain in a bad relationship. At the most superficial level are practical considerations such as financial entanglement, shared living space, potential impact on children, feared disapproval from others, and possible disruption in academic performance or career plans.

At a deeper level, there are the beliefs you hold about relationships in general, about this specific relationship, and about yourself. Learn not to get hooked into the games of relationships; avoid dangerous roles you tend to fall into.

Find a support group of friends who understand you. Share with others what you have experienced and learned. Consider getting professional help. When you are very unhappy in a relationship but are unsure of whether you should accept it as it is, make further efforts to improve it, or get out of it.

When you suspect feelings of guilt or fear of being alone, and you have been unable to overcome the effects of such feelings. When you recognise that you have a pattern of staying in bad relationships and that you have not been able to change that pattern by yourself.

You have to be bold enough to break away from the relationship and your partner. It might seem tough initially but, later on, you will get used to it and enjoy your freedom. You will realise the value of that freedom only when you gather the courage to confront your partner.

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Do you really want a relationship

As we get older, we start hearing the little pit patter of feet in our minds. We start having dreams of having a husband, two-door garage complete with two point five kids. You may say that you are ready for a relationship. You are not getting any younger and after all you are a good catch. Any man would be lucky to have you as his wife. You are quite right. You are the catch of the year. But are you really ready for a relationship? Are you ready to fully commit to a relationship with someone else? Are you willing to compromise in a healthy manner for the benefit of the relationship? Are you emotionally ready? I remember knowing for a fact that I was ready for a husband and children when I was twenty-three. By all accounts I was ready. I knew how to run a household and I could balance a checkbook with my eyes closed. I was ready to handle the household finances. Of course my husband would never step out on me because I would be the perfect wife. Clearly, I was nowhere near ready for a relationship, nor did I understand fully what was required of me in a relationship. It definitely did not consist of me knowing how to balance a checkbook with my eyes closed.

Eight years later I believed that I was ready to meet that special one who would have the potential to be my husband and the father of my future two point five kids. Once again I thought that I was ready for a relationship. Financially, I was ready. I had my own thriving business and I done a lot of personal development so I thought that I was good. I could manage a home and I knew how to buy one too. By this time, I had also accomplished a lot of things in my life and I felt satisfied with my accomplishments, so I was ready to share my life with that special someone. However, emotionally, when I thought of getting involved I ran so fast in the opposite direction that I could easily have broken Usain Bolt's world record. Unfortunately, my emotional sprint seemed as if I wasn't ready at all for a relationship and it caused my love interests a tremendous amount of hurt and confusion. It was impossible to explain since I was just as confused as they were. Here I was finally receiving something I had been praying for and when it arrived I felt as if I was throwing it back to the Divine One up above. Suffice to say, I went through a rough emotional upheaval.

Unfortunately, I was unaware of the other person's emotional state. They too were not ready for a relationship. What I did not realize was that there were different stages in the emotional growth process. I had felt that as long as I had felt good and confident within myself then I was ready. But little did I know that was so much more that I needed to work thru in order to be really ready for a relationship.

There is no set date that you will know when you are finally ready for a relationship. Knowing when you are ready is really a matter of trial and error. While there are some issues that can be worked thru before getting involved in a relationship, there are other issues that will raise their heads during your love relationships. Some of those issues are:

1. Extreme Jealousy

2. Possessiveness

3. Manipulative behaviours such as playing mind games

4. Spitefulness

5. Lack of healthy compromise

6. Affairs/Cheating

If you are exhibiting any of those issues during your love relationship chances are you are not ready for a relationship. If there are still issues regarding healthy compromise and you still have it's all about me attitude with no regard for your partner then you are not ready for a relationship. Engaging in sexual relations with anyone outside of your relationship signifies a lack of emotional growth, which in turn signifies that you or your partner is not ready for a committed relationship. For you to be ready for a relationship, you must be willing to do your own personal development and thus be willing and open to continue working on yourself once you are in a relationship. This would work best if your partner is also open to personal development which would lead to continuous emotional growth for the both of you and for your relationship. However, if your partner is not open to personally developing themselves then it is up to you to walk away from this individual realizing that they are not ready for a mature relationship.

A relationship is not only about commitment, it is also about two emotionally healthy people who have the utmost respect for themselves and for each other who have worked thru their respective emotional issues or are willing to work thru them for the success of the relationship. Constant work is needed to for you to develop emotionally, spiritually and mentally. However, the work is necessary if we really want to be ready for a relationship.

Trudy-Ann Ewan, Founder and Executive Director of Create Your Passion Creative Life Coaching, is a Creative Life Coach, Freelance Writer and Motivational Speaker who specializes in the healing of mind, body, heart and spirit. To learn more visit her website at: http://www.createyourpassion.com where you can sign up for her free informative Newsletters, participate in interactive quizzes and Coaching Assessments and where you can also join her coaching program.

How to have a positive relationship

How to have a positive relationship

Creating Positive Relationships

I am sure I can offer over ten thousand pages of advice about relationships, but I won't. The world is filled with techniques, books, CDs and seminars designed to help people live together harmoniously. Yet, since the beginning of time, one of the largest problems we face on this planet is the inability to get along with one another. Poor relationships create war, divorce, family separation, runaways, defiance, fear and hostility.

One of my favorite movies is, "Oh God" starring George Burns and John Denver. If you did not see this movie I hope you will. The movie is a classic and full of advice for positive living. One great scene was when God (played by George Burns) appeared to Jerry Landers (played by John Denver) while he was taking a shower. God's request to Jerry, "Tell the world I'm still here. Spread the word that I still care and that the world can work." Jerry is a little distressed by God's request and he quickly challenges God. "The world isn't working. It's not working at all. We need help down here." At that point, God brilliantly replies, "That's why I gave you each other."

I've always believed that God cares for people through people. We need each other for our lives and our world to work. Instead of fighting over the last barrel of oil, we need to change our thinking and understand that our very survival depends on sharing it with each other.

Did you ever walk through the mall and notice someone wearing the same outfit you were? This has happened to me often. Two complete strangers for a brief moment in time stop and smile at each other. Sometimes we may even comment, "nice outfit," or "good taste in clothes," or "you look great." We laugh, and move on. Did you ever drive past someone who had the same car as you? Sometimes when this happens, people nod or beep the horn to acknowledge the coincidence. It's fun to see that someone has the same taste as you or that two strangers have something in common.

How about things we have in common globally? Wouldn't life be great if we could walk up to a total stranger and excitedly say, "Wow, you're on Earth, too? Wow, isn't this great? What a coincidence! We'll have to get together some day and be best friends." This has been the dream of many great leaders. I believe it is a possibility. Jacobsen Seminars teaches a very powerful relationship program. In this program we discuss the five basic elements required to create positive healthy relationships.

1)Open, Honest Communication - before we married, my wife Kathy and I spoke with many couples who were enjoying blissful lives together. We both believe in "modeling" successful people in order to create similar success. Every couple told us the secret to a successful marriage was open, honest communication. Communication is an art form. Whether you are relating to a mate, child, parent, brother, sister or neighbor, your communication skills are a valuable asset. I remember a story about a lady supposedly filing for divorce. The judge began to question her about the decision she had made, so that he could properly hear the case.

Judge: On what grounds do you want to appeal to your husband?

Wife: On the court grounds of course!

Judge: No, you misunderstood the question. What I mean is do you have any grounds?

Wife: Yes. My husband and I own two acres.

Judge: What I mean is, do you have a grudge?

Wife: Yes. We have a two-car garage.

Judge: No! No! No! What I mean is, does he beat you up?

Wife: No. I'm always awake before he is.

Judge: What I mean is was he unfaithful?

Wife: My husband doesn't belong to a church.

Judge: What I'm trying to find out is why you want to divorce your husband?

Wife: I don't want to divorce my husband, he wants to divorce me. He says we have a communication problem.

Although the above story is humorous, it unfortunately happens all too often. The way we communicate with each other will determine the quality of the relationship. Learn to speak to people, not at them. Speak to people in the way they like to be spoken to. When speaking with others look directly into their eyes. This is a sign that you can be trusted and it also demonstrates your high self-image. Before you speak to anyone ask yourself, "How can I say this with sincerity or with tenderness, or how can I make my point understood without creating any hard feelings?" These questions will help you to effectively touch the heart of your listener and a high quality relationship will be inevitable.

Another vital part of communication is to be a good listener. You can win more friends with your ears than with your mouth. When you give your undivided attention to another, he or she will respect you. By listening to others they know that you care and this mindset will create instant friendships. Opportunities are sometimes missed because we do not listen. Nature reminds us that our ears are designed to stay open and our mouth designed to stay closed.

2)Change Your Attitude Towards Others - the truth is that we all have different values. We must never negate someone because their value's are different from ours. Negative attitudes make it impossible to get along with ourselves and with others. This is the basic law of cause and effect! What we give out, we get back. Psychologists tell us that we always see in others what we recognize in ourselves. The world and other people are constantly reflecting back to us - all that we think about it. At the core of your being, begin to recognize the divinity in others and they will soon recognize the divinity in you. Treat all of whom you meet with respect and dignity. We need to constantly ask ourselves the following question about every thought, emotion or feeling we have, "Does this type of thinking create unity or separation?" If the answer is separation, change the thought to enhance the relationship.

Here is a popular technique that I know will help you if you are challenged by other people. The moment you sense a relationship may be threatened, or that someone is about to push your buttons, immediately ask yourself, "What would someone like Gandhi or Mother Teresa do in this situation?" After that, follow your heart.

3)Practice Forgiveness - one of the greatest acts we can perform is the act of forgiveness. This is a master key for high quality relationships. We must remember we make mistakes because we're human. You've heard the expression, "To err is human, to forgive is divine." Every time you extend forgiveness to another person you are expressing your divinity. To express this divinity, it is important that you forgive and let go on an inner level, too. To merely utter the words, "I forgive you" yet still harbor inner resentment is like burying the hatchet but leaving the handle exposed.

I recently worked with a gentleman in New York who was having a challenging relationship with his sister. Apparently, she expressed some unkind words to a lady he was dating. Upon hearing her words, the lady broke off with him and vowed to never speak with him again. Months after the break up, he verbally forgave his sister, but his heart was still angry. He was suffering with all types of psychosomatic health problems which I attributed to his hardened heart. I taught him a great psychological technique that I hope you may find beneficial. I told him to enter a meditative level and mentally speak to his sister. He was to mentally express all of his anger and mentally tell her off. After this, when he was ready, he was to mentally forgive her. He mentally repeated the affirmation, "I now let go of all the negative feelings attached to this event and the negative feelings now let go of me." He explained to me that he felt a moment of peace and serenity after this process as if a big weight lifted from his body. He immediately called his sister and forgave her again, but, this time he meant it. Shortly after this his health problems vanished and he met another lady.

Remember physiologically, when you are angry with someone you create angry, toxic body chemistry within yourself. Similarly, when you curse someone, you're actually cursing yourself and when you hate someone, you first taste the poison.

The power of forgiveness helps us to heal ourselves, allowing us to become whole. It is very difficult when someone hurts us and that is why it is sometimes difficult to forgive. Yet, once we overcome this difficulty, forgiveness strengthens the relationship making us better people. Mark Twain once gave a beautiful definition of forgiveness: "Forgiveness is the fragrance a violet leaves on the heel of the person who stepped on it." That may be the most godly definition of forgiveness I have ever heard.

4)Discover Each Other's Needs - this is a basic rule of thumb for any type of relationship. If you want a high quality relationship, find out the other person's needs and fulfill them. To terminate a relationship the opposite is true - discover the other person's needs and keep those needs unfulfilled. If you want a good relationship with your boss, meet his or her needs by producing high quality work. If you desire a good relationship with your mate or other family members, properly meet their needs with love in your heart. The most fulfilling relationships are the ones where you go to give, not where you go to take.

When you have the willingness to place another's need over your own, you are demonstrating the highest expression of selflessness and love. The more love you give the more love you will receive. When you hold sand in your hand and tightly clench your fist, all of the sand will escape from your hand. However, when you extend your hand and hold it wide open, the pile of sand will sit on your hand and you will barely lose any of it. Therefore, hold your hand out and contribute all that you can toward your relationships. As you put this rule into practice, you will soon discover that giving is receiving.

5)Do Unto Others - this is known as "The Golden Rule." Treat others exactly the way you would like them to treat you. If everyone followed this rule, our planet would become an instant paradise. We would no longer need laws, prisons or a judicial system because we would live together in harmony and in peace. This principle is taught in most of the world's major religions and is an absolute standard for harmonious relationships with others. If you want to have friends, then be a friend. If you want to be loved, then love others. The best way to have your needs met is to lovingly, without strings, meet the needs of others. If you do not want to be judged, never judge another. And if you want to be forgiven, forgive others. This is known as the "Law of Indirect Effort." Practice being the person with whom you would like to have positive relationships. This is the bridge that will help you cross over to relationship fulfillment.

I encourage you to practice and saturate your mind with these five relationship rules. Let these guidelines become an integral part of your lifestyle since these five elements create a powerful foundation for rock-solid relationships.

I wish you luck & success!

John Eric Jacobsen was born to teach and destined to be a writer & motivator. In 1985 John founded "Jacobsen Business Programs, Inc." (JacobsenPrograms.com), a corporate seminar company helping people to succeed personally and professionally.

John's experience is what sets him apart. With a diverse background in business, sales, communications, theatrical arts, dance and acting; John has the unique ability to not only be a great teacher, but also an amazing entertainer who can keep your attention. He has trained and worked with over a half a million people and has performed or taught all over America on stage and on TV.

John has also authored the national seller, "Conversations on Customer Service & Sales." This is an amazing work designed to help businesses improve their sales and enhance consumer relations. John is proud to have the great Brian Tracy as a co-author.

Do you need a break from your relationship

Do you need a break from your relationship

Are you thinking about taking a break from a relationship? It isn't surprising if people suddenly consider a break as the best way to save their relationship once it starts to go downhill. The truth is that taking a break from a relationship might just as well mend it or ruin it entirely. Scroll down and find out why.

Partners can individually evaluate their life by taking a break from a relationship. Taking a break would be the best option if the two of you are constantly fighting and even more if you live within the same house

Taking a break from a relationship allows couples to get away from the stress of a relationship and relax for a bit. A relationship may actually be ruined completely if all those negative energy is allowed to foster. Considering how stressful life is nowadays relationship problems are only additional discomfort. This is the reason why taking a break from relationship would be big help. Time away from your partner would allow you to figure out things in your life and relationship. It's important that you take a step back and see how the situation looks from a different angle. However, there are also ways of taking a break from a relationship that could ruin it entirely. Read on and realize how further damage may be done by taking a break from a relationship.

There are actually right and wrong ways to take a break in the relationship. You and your partner might completely break up if you are taking a break from your relationship and doing the things below. When taking a break from a relationship, one shouldn't date other people as this would definitely ruin the chances of getting back with your partner. Why would you go out with someone else if the whole purpose of the break is to give each other space to save the relationship?

It only makes sense that the two of you will be back together after the break especially if you still love each other. At this stage, you should be evaluating your lifestyle, how you want to spend it and the people you want to spend it with. If you think your relationship is not doing anything for your life then end it now and move on.

Taking a break from a relationship could actually make it better. It makes a person realize just how life would be without their partner. If you realize that you want your partner back and make the relationship work then taking a break from a relationship was a good move!

Now that you've decided on what you want to do, the next step is to improve your relationship. If you start reverting to your old ways then you'll find yourself starting all over again, which means that taking a break from your relationship was not good enough.

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Should I get married advice

Should I get married advice

Marriage is indeed a very big decision. It goes beyond the written and verbal commitment to your partner at the church or the place the ceremony had happened, thus its a life time commitment to your partner; be it social, emotional, financial and legal. It is about promises and vows that you cant just abandoned when situation gets rough. Having said this, everyone should take this seriously and must carefully study his or herself prior to entering the world of marriage.

If you are the type of person who loves your partner but not yet sure if you are ready to get married, then you are lucky. Because today, many believe that being together or as they call alive in�� is just exactly what is like when getting married.

Study shows that marriage offers little benefit over couples who just live together in terms of health, self-esteem, and psychological well-being and so many choose to just stay together rather than putting a ring on it. In a research made, only 900 participants out of 2,737 single ladies and gentlemen get married in 6 years span of their relationship. And all of those 900 said that they got a higher level of happiness at the beginning of their marriage only. Yes! You read it right- only at the beginning. Those advantages faded in time.

Yet, it does not necessary means that once you get married you will be unhappy. We are just convincing you to carefully study every little thing and talk about it honestly with your partner. Also, it is a good idea to hear some relationship advice from those who are already married, maybe your friend or family. To help you with, this article will site some of the advantage and disadvantage of being married. These are the best relationship advice that you have to equip with, prior to marriage.

Disadvantages of getting married:

Freedom loss- Basically, once you get married, you wont be able to just come and go anywhere else. You always have to consider your partners permission. A single man used to have a liberty to go out whenever he wants, to spend his money on things he likes without thinking twice but this will definitely change once he get married. This time around a man should always consider his wife and his new family on his every act. Same thing with the woman, she would not be able to go shopping anytime she wants or join a friend for lunch without telling her husband. It may sound suffocating but if trust with each other is build, surely it will overcome most of these situations.

Living with pet peeves- NO one is perfect! Everybody has its own personality imperfection, and you have to deal with it. Meaning, once you get married you should be able to learn and accept your partners defects even those little things like leaving the toilet seat up, or drinking milk directly from the carton. The two of you must need to talk about it over and honestly tell what should be and what should not be done. Being open minded and the willingness to change for the better is necessary to overcome this kind of situation.

NEW Extended Family- Well, this is almost given. When you get married, you only not married that guy or lady but his or her family as well. Unfortunately, there are some who does not go well with their in-laws. If this is the case, one you should know how to adjust. You have to try and learn to mingle with your new extended family.

Advantages of getting married:

Financial Stability- so what exactly financial stability means when it comes to the issue of Marriage. This not refer to gaining money but rather this states that whenever you are in need there is someone you can count on- and that is your partner of course! When you are married, both partners combine their money managing talents and financial assets into one, and pooling together your financial resources is an added benefit of marriage.

Long Term Commitment, Security and Support- Once you get married, you have the peace of mind that your partner is really yours. Much more, it feels great that you know you have someone who will take care of you, have good times with and go home to after a day of tiring work.

Raising kids- the most wonderful advantage is actually having kids of your own and raising them as a team. It is a gift, a magnificent blessing. Being married gives you the right to have children and let them �legally� wear your name.

These are just some few factors and relationship advice you have to learn once you get married. Think before making a decision, prepare yourself. Remember that there is more to learn as you go along the way.

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Be more aware in your relationship

Be more aware in your relationship

The third principle of love is the light of awareness, the tool for getting away from emotional challenge and suffering. It is the simplest of tools, for it is our birthright, but it is also the most challenging of capacities to master.

Naturally, the mind will try to dodge and weave, to utilize denial, delusion, stupor and loads of other crafty means to avoid seeing what otherwise lies right in front of our nose. Obviously, there is no one who wants the pain of perceiving their own individual frailty, hurts and unmet wants. So although many of us pay lip-service to the great worth of awareness, to some degree we all stay clear of it.

Arguably the ideal method for building powers of awareness is meditation. Yet even in meditating we dodge and weave, viewing and experiencing everything we need to see and experience and effectively avoiding the rest. My personal favorite technique for gaining awareness is a combo of meditation and main relationship.

Meditating is the very best practice for improving awareness. And main relationship is the reflection in our face that shows us our every limitation. Every reaction to our partner, every bit of rage, hurt or blame is an excellent red-flag, asserting that within us some thing is murky and in need of our attention.

Don't Leave Your Partner....When You're Only Attempting to Run From Yourself

After discovering a long list of our partner's limitations, we occasionally reach the realization that we have started to outgrow them, that maybe it is the perfect time to move on. It's possible it is. But how do we know? To start with, it is key to keep in mind that all partners have their deficits. Ben Franklin's professional recommendation was to continue to keep both eyes open before marriage, to ensure we look cautiously at who we choose to settle down with, then to ensure they are half shut afterwards, once in a relationship, to give the other reasonable latitude.

Yet there's another totally different perspective from which to view our partner. A lot of their less-than-perfect behaviors are simply just their reactions to our less-than-perfect behavior, their defending response to our offensiveness. While we are withholding or cool, they might act needy or mad. If we are critical, they may be emotionally or sexually withholding.

We are able to greatly embellish in our brains a partner's deficits whenever we transfer our father's or mother's behaviors onto them. Occasionally, even a mate's mild behavior; say a marginally controlling quality or a pretty minor insensitivity can cause us to project onto them a mother's or father's long-ago, abusively regulating or insensitive behavior. We can then enter a downward spiral of disproportionate anger or blame, which could actually create our spouse's limiting or insensitive habits.

Irrespective of the reason behind our partner's true or perceived deficits, probably 99.4% of the circumstances that individuals tell ourselves that we have outgrown our companion, we're fooling ourselves. (Alternatively, it is often the abused individuals who ought to be on their way, but who are sure they just need to go the extra mile.)

If you found this relationship article useful, you could read more by going to our website at http://www.marriagemastery.com/. Discover more information on relationship complications plus options for resolving marriage conflict at http:/www.marriagemastery.com/.

Should I end a long relationship advice

Should I end a long relationship advice

All relationships change over time. The excitement felt through the dating process is not a constant or given in any long term relationship. Relationships require commitment and work as well as love and longevity.

Before ending a relationship that you have spent so much time and effort in you should consider a few things. The fact that it does take years to really know someone, invested time and past feelings of love should be looked at. Is all that you felt in the past truly gone, or are there ways that you have not tried that will revitalize what you already have? Some exploration in this area may save the bonds you have created and reignite the value you found in the beginning of your relationship.

Look at the relationship from your partners� perspective if you can. Try to see how they see you. Evaluate your reasons for cutting off the relationship. Explaining your feelings and conclusions is a valid part of closure. You need to understand yourself before you can reason your points with another person. If you are still in love then a better choice may be to try and reinvent the romance you once shared. Give yourself a dating challenge. Investigate new ways and interests that help build time together with common interests. Growth is a challenge in a relationship for both people involved with potential for new blossoms. Invest your time in seeing your partner in the way that you did at the beginning of your relationship. If this is still remotely possible the effort will probably set you on fire again.

Forgiveness is a major part of romancing your relationship. Let go of old wounds. Once something is done leave it in the past. Build on the future. Demands on time are another factor that lulls relationship into boredom. Remember that your partner is the number one person in your life. Make the effort to prioritize your relationship. Giving is the number one factor that cements your love and bonding. Small gestures like little notes, I love you, and knowing your partner's favourite things will bring them back to you and that closeness you once shared.

There are times when hurts and desires are really the end of a relationship. When this is true the emotions are generally raw or non-existent. In cases such as this it is better to glean what you have learned and move on. After you have made the efforts and can truly see no solution you do have to consider what is best for both sides. At this point you must stand on your resolve and look at the healthiest choice for you. Take time to heal and rejuvenate your love for yourself before jumping into the dating game.

Angela Selfridge is a relationship expert in the UK and offers advice and opinions on love and online dating as well as tips.

For information on relationships, dating advice and tips particularly concerning Singapore dating please visit Lovestruck who are a professional dating site and also offer speed dating.

How to cope when a relationship fails

How to cope when a relationship fails

The loss of a relationship is a painful experience. The pain you experience can seriously diminish your own well being and sense of self-worth. You can, however, use this failed relationship to your own benefit and learn from it. You will eventually decide to date again and seek a new love. There are lessons to be learned from this last relationship when looking for a new mate in anticipation of something long-term and secure. In order to avoid a similar fate you should look for the following:

Does she:

1. Criticize, complain about, or reject other people easily.

2. Seek continual affirmation in ways that may become tiresome in time.

3. Seem overly sensitive, especially in her appearance.

4. Enjoy playing games of power, who is right or wrong.

5. Affect your own behavior by playing roles such as the child, the parent, the goddess, or some other role.

6. Fail to communicate, as an adult should, often making you "guess" her needs.

7. Reflect a lack of self-esteem or self-respect, such as worried about herself "getting old".

8. Have inner conflicts, demonstrated by indecision or times of irrational


9. Discuss materialistic or financial wealth desires unrealistically.

10. Relate worth of a gift or item in proportion to its cost

You will also want to explore her past relationships. As the opportunity arises ask about her past relationships in a way that it appears you are looking for the faults of her past men and not her own. You are looking for a pattern in her, by asking about them.

What hurtful things did your partner do in your last relationship?

What hurtful things did your partner do in the relationship before that?

What about the relationship before that?

Do her answers indicate a constant lack of communication or distancing by her partners? Perhaps she cited money issues as a constant reason? These could indicate that she was the one who did not know how to communicate or wanted materialistic things from a relationship, as some women are only concerned with what they receive or what their mate possesses. She may have large debts or overextended herself on items she purchased on credit, indicating that she has no idea how to manage her own money â�" which will likely affect your money as she will look to you for financial aid. Did her relationships last only a few months or, at most, a couple of years before she was dumped or left on her own? Reasons she cites may be different than given here but if constant, could indicate that she brought on the problem in her past relationships, rather than them. She may have the inability to stay in a relationship once the burning desire that initialized it becomes less intense. It is for you to reason out these things, while still unemotionally attached before moving further into the relationship.

Do not expect that her relationship with you will be different from the others she had. Heed warnings from those who know her and her past. Though we may not want to believe what they tell us there is often an indication of a problem with a woman if many who were not intimate with her tell you of her lack of independence or inability to maintain a long-term relationship.

Some women (as well as men) use a relationship as a stepping stone or a wayside stop, as they only hope to find something they think is "better." It's the "grass is greener on the other side of the fence" syndrome. They either keep jumping the fence or the one they jumped to eventually recognizes them for what they are and jumps first. These women do not understand the value of love in a relationship but only in the monetary wealth they believe it should provide. They are often self-centered, selfish, and easily persuaded by others who give advice on dating someone new at work, one of their friends, or someone they know, who may have money or power. Though they may not have bragging rights to a New York City street corner, they are only less blatant in how they conduct themselves through life.

Mr.Dees, author of The Aphrodite Apocalypse, continues writing in his retirement. Mr. Dees currently enjoys writing on subjects that he finds of interest, including nostalgia items, western antiques, and computers

How to cope when a relationship fails

How to cope when a relationship fails

The loss of a relationship is a painful experience. The pain you experience can seriously diminish your own well being and sense of self-worth. You can, however, use this failed relationship to your own benefit and learn from it. You will eventually decide to date again and seek a new love. There are lessons to be learned from this last relationship when looking for a new mate in anticipation of something long-term and secure. In order to avoid a similar fate you should look for the following:

Does she:

1. Criticize, complain about, or reject other people easily.

2. Seek continual affirmation in ways that may become tiresome in time.

3. Seem overly sensitive, especially in her appearance.

4. Enjoy playing games of power, who is right or wrong.

5. Affect your own behavior by playing roles such as the child, the parent, the goddess, or some other role.

6. Fail to communicate, as an adult should, often making you "guess" her needs.

7. Reflect a lack of self-esteem or self-respect, such as worried about herself "getting old".

8. Have inner conflicts, demonstrated by indecision or times of irrational


9. Discuss materialistic or financial wealth desires unrealistically.

10. Relate worth of a gift or item in proportion to its cost

You will also want to explore her past relationships. As the opportunity arises ask about her past relationships in a way that it appears you are looking for the faults of her past men and not her own. You are looking for a pattern in her, by asking about them.

What hurtful things did your partner do in your last relationship?

What hurtful things did your partner do in the relationship before that?

What about the relationship before that?

Do her answers indicate a constant lack of communication or distancing by her partners? Perhaps she cited money issues as a constant reason? These could indicate that she was the one who did not know how to communicate or wanted materialistic things from a relationship, as some women are only concerned with what they receive or what their mate possesses. She may have large debts or overextended herself on items she purchased on credit, indicating that she has no idea how to manage her own money â�" which will likely affect your money as she will look to you for financial aid. Did her relationships last only a few months or, at most, a couple of years before she was dumped or left on her own? Reasons she cites may be different than given here but if constant, could indicate that she brought on the problem in her past relationships, rather than them. She may have the inability to stay in a relationship once the burning desire that initialized it becomes less intense. It is for you to reason out these things, while still unemotionally attached before moving further into the relationship.

Do not expect that her relationship with you will be different from the others she had. Heed warnings from those who know her and her past. Though we may not want to believe what they tell us there is often an indication of a problem with a woman if many who were not intimate with her tell you of her lack of independence or inability to maintain a long-term relationship.

Some women (as well as men) use a relationship as a stepping stone or a wayside stop, as they only hope to find something they think is "better." It's the "grass is greener on the other side of the fence" syndrome. They either keep jumping the fence or the one they jumped to eventually recognizes them for what they are and jumps first. These women do not understand the value of love in a relationship but only in the monetary wealth they believe it should provide. They are often self-centered, selfish, and easily persuaded by others who give advice on dating someone new at work, one of their friends, or someone they know, who may have money or power. Though they may not have bragging rights to a New York City street corner, they are only less blatant in how they conduct themselves through life.

Mr.Dees, author of The Aphrodite Apocalypse, continues writing in his retirement. Mr. Dees currently enjoys writing on subjects that he finds of interest, including nostalgia items, western antiques, and computers

Get out of a depressing relationship

Get out of a depressing relationship

For starting a new and healthy relationship, you need to first create a space for it by getting rid and throwing the toxic relationship out of your life. In this world we build so many relationships with different people. These relationships we have can directly affect our life in every possible way.

First, here are the positive impacts of a balanced relationship. Dopamine is a chemical fluid which is released in our brain when we are stimulated by emotional bonding with somebody. This fluid is responsible for the elated feeling of being in love with somebody. When we are in a balanced relationship, we grow a lot as an individual. True love has the potential of bringing out the best human being out of you.

In toxic relationships, when one person tries to come closer, the other person tries to pull hand away. This is called push/pull effect. If you are in a toxic relationships it make you feel emotionally and mentally exhausted. These relationships are often known as silent killers. The people involved in these relationships may end up getting depression, fatigue and immunity problems.

Usually, people involved in toxic relationship would feel a spiritual and energetic bondage between them. This bonding would not let you get rid of the relationship even if you know that the relationship is turning out to be bad for your overall life.

In these types of situations when you want to get rid of a toxic relationship but are not able to do that, you can try out following things such as:

(1) Meditation

Meditation helps a lot to control your mind and soul for different things. Qi Gong is one such practice which helps people get rid of the toxic in their minds. Most of the exercises and yoga as well help you fight the physical problems of the body. But Qi Gong is one such practice which not only helps you in physical ailments but also makes you emotionally and mentally strong to fight such situations. This practice can be done being in any posture, sitting, lying or standing.

You can even do this practice while doing your daily routine work such as studying or working. Thus it can easily fit in your daily schedule and you do not need to separately find time to practice it. It also helps you in maintaining constancy in your life which is really important to fight toxic relationships.

(2) Music

Music is a form of brain stimulant. Good music can have very positive effects on your state of mind. It can cause major biochemical shifts in your brain. Thus you can start hearing good music which can make you enlightened whenever you feel depressed or dopamine secretion starts in your brain. Music can also make you get rid of feeling of loneliness.

For selecting the music to listen to, you should not ask others as each person has his or her own choice. You should listen to that music which enlightens your spirits.

(3) Sunlight

In these times of toxic relationship which can get yourself in depression, you should not let yourself sitting in the dark. Make sure you have lots of sunlight around you.

Fight the problems of a toxic relationship in a biochemical and not in an emotional way. And bright lights have the capability of bringing out all the good chemicals of your brain and making them active.

(4) Healthy Diet

When you're in toxic relationships it can make your spleen and stomach go low in energy. Keep a check on your daily diet as well. Eat healthy and fully nutritious food. Try out soups with low-fat and lots of orange and yellow vegetables for they are good for your health and they help a lot in healing the bad state of your heart and mind as well.

You may feel in your situation it is difficult to get rid of the toxic relationships but you really need to put in good fight for this. No matter what life brings, the choice lies in YOU, you should choose to make that decisions that is best for your future.

Getting over your ex is your best solution to stop struggling with memories of your ex and move on with your life. You won't want to miss this information to learn how to get rid of your toxic relationships fast.

Can a relationship be rebuilt

Can a relationship be rebuilt

There are many men and women across who need to know how to rebuild relationship. We face tough situations in our relationships, situations that can break them. Its great that there are people who want to know how to rebuild a relationship because know how hard relationships can be to start, and how it can be even harder to get them to go the distance.

Whether your relationship just ended or you and your partner are going through a tough phase in it, you need to realize that its important not to simply let go and move on because there is something weighing down. Too many of us let go and move on to someone new when we can't fix a problem that arose in our relationship.

Relationships are the only thing that matter in life and when we find someone who we think we can spend the rest our lives with, its important to do everything we can to fix whatever problem we face in our relationship with them. Relationships end for hundreds of reasons.

Lack of commitment, inability to change, secrets, and the biggest of them all being infidelity. If you want to rebuild a relationship with your partner, you have to know the real reason why the relationship is falling apart. Too many people die unmarried and without any children to leave behind and remember them.

Dying alone shouldn't be an option for any person in this world and with that in mind, we need to realize how lucky we are to be in the group of millions of people who have someone we can possibly call our soul mate. The first thing you need to rebuild relationship is that you have to first have the ability to change and the ability to show change to your partner.

For whatever the reason why the relationship is falling apart, the obvious is that there is a lack of change. To change a relationship, it has to begin with the both of showing each other positive steps toward making the relationship different than the way its been.

Rebuilding a relationship starts with effective communication and through that communication the both of you are able to identify the problems that are sinking the relationship. The two of you need to start opening up, sitting down and talking to each other about the problems you both feel are breaking the relationship.

After the two of you identify those problems, you make compromises and commitments to fix those problems together, and then you bring spontaneity and trust back into it. Relationships aren't about being afraid of what you're partner is going to say to you, its about trusting them to support you in whatever you do and say. This is how to rebuild relationship.


The best relationship test

The best relationship test

Taking a relationship test on the internet or out of a magazine is not the way to figure out if you and your mate are compatible. This article discusses some ways to strengthen your relationship and make it last.

The Problem with Relationship Tests

If you have ever read teen magazines you will be familiar with the myriad tests they offer their readers. You can find out everything from which type of jelly bean you are to which celebrity is your soul mate. But what about the relationship test that purports to tell you whether you and your spouse or companion are compatible? After twenty multiple choice questions the test tells you to either keep them around or dump them.

The fact of the matter is that no relationship test can truly analyze all of the factors that indicate whether a relationship will or won't work. Personality specialists emphasize that each personality type has different strengths and weaknesses and that any two types of personalities can be happily married their whole lives, so long as they are aware of their differences and work hard to make their marriage a success.

The True Relationship Test

My mother had a rule that we couldn't complain about something she cooked until after we had tried it. The principle she was trying to teach was - the best way to figure out if you like something is to try it.

The best relationship test to take is life - try it out for while. Who cares if a magazine quiz says the planets aren't aligned for you and your mate. If you are dating and you're happier than ever, keep it up. And even if a magazine tells you that you have found your soul mate, but you are unhappy or the relationship is abusive, get out of it.

Passing the Test

For anybody that has been in a relationship longer than a couple of weeks, you know

that life isn't always peaches and cream. Tough times come, habits starts to annoy, and personalities clash. Don't throw away a great relationship just because your knight in shining armor happens to snore. Follow these tips to strengthen a great relationship or work on strengthening a struggling one.

Communicate, communicate, communicate. While many people don't have a problem expressing accurately their feelings or emotions, some people do. That is not an excuse, however, to not share with your partner what you're thinking or feeling. If you fail to communicate your relationship will suffer.

Spend time together. Don't justify spending only 15 minutes a day with your spouse by calling it quality time. Quality is important, but quantity time is especially crucial with regards to relationships. Make sacrifices and spend time together.

Be 100% loyal. Your commitment to the success of your relationship cannot be complete if you are flirting or otherwise involved with another person besides your spouse. If you have a problem with this, now is the time make changes in your life. If you suspect that a child may be yours, DNA relationship tests are available to help determine your relationship to a child. Take responsibility for your actions.

No matter what any magazine tells you, if you want to make your relationship work, it will take time, effort, and loyalty. Put your relationship to the real test by trying for success.

To find this article and more articles on celebrities and fashion go http://www.celebritiesprofile.com/taking_the_true_relationship_test.php

Nick Smith is an internet marketer with a cutting-edge advertising strategy. For more information about getting a DNA relationship test, visit Genetree.com.

Why relationships end

Why relationships end

The real cause of relationship breakup can be avoided so easily if we would only recognize it. Instead many other things are blamed for the breakup but the real cause is seldom dealt with. This is why so many relationship breakups go unsolved. In fact, if you asked a party to the breakup years after it happened they still would not be able to tell you the real reason.

The four reasons usually given for a relationship breakup are:

1. Cheating. One of the partners strayed and the other partner was unable to cope with the situation or forgive the straying partner. No doubt this is a good reason for breaking up but it is not the real cause. The real cause of relationship breakup was probably what was behind the cheating but it wasn't the real cause.

2. Finances. At some time during a relationship, financial problems are bound to arise. Perhaps because of losing a job, overspending or poor management of funds. When things get tight we become worried and irritable. The tendency to snap at each other or place blame occurs. This too can become a serious problem, but it is not the real cause of relationship breakup.

3. <b. Children. Bless their hearts, they can be such a joy and yet such a problem. Many victims of a relationship breakup will blame the inability to agree on the ways to raise them and the time involved in doing so as the reason for the breakup. This too can lead to serious problems for a relationship but it is not the real cause of the breakup.

4. Sex. This can no doubt be a very big contributor to lack of relationship harmony. When one or both of the partners are sexually dissatisfied, discord is bound to arise. It can lead to the cheating and disinterest. But still this can be overcome if the real cause of relationship breakup is avoided.

With the proper steps and the right kind of communication. If that seems a little over simplified, think again. Tell me which of the above relationship problems cannot be overcome or solved by doing and saying the right things at the proper time. You see, we get so swept up in our everyday trials that we do not talk to each other. When we have something about the relationship that does not please us, we keep it to ourselves and let it fester and grow until it becomes overwhelming and then we act.

Any relationship can be saved

Most often the actions we take are destructive instead of constructive and there goes the relationship. The sad part is that learning the right techniques of effective communication may be all that is needed to avoid relationship breakup.

Ways to text a girl you like

Ways to text a girl you like

Getting a pretty girl's attention can be difficult for some guys especially through text. Not all people have the skills to make someone fall for them through words. For that reason, some guys end up having no dates despite their efforts. As they say, girls are complex when it comes to emotions because they tend to change their moods every now and then. If you are a guy who is eager to create a good image on your first text message to a girl, here are some tips based on personal experience.

Appreciate Her

You might be wondering how to flirt with a girl over text. It is possible and even better to flirt through text because you can express your admiration without being scrutinized if you are saying the truth or not. Most girls want to analyze men's honesty even during initial meeting so flirting through text is like having an invisible shield. Based on experience, girls love being appreciated so this is the first move that every guy should know. Although most girls would react a bit defensive or would give a cold shoulder for the praises, they still prefer guys who appreciate them for what they are especially when it comes to little things. For instance, if you want to create a positive impression without sounding too smooth, you can tell her how you like her smile, the color of her dress, her earrings or even the way she combs her hair.

Show Your Concern

Girls are sensitive and emotional. They immediately react to things that hit their hearts. If you want to develop rapport to a girl, you can shower her with texts that show concern. Examples of which tons of good mornings, sweet good nights and a couple of how are yous.

Things to Remember

Always remember that not all girls are easy to get. However, there is always a way to crack a girl's code. Flirting with girls does not mean that you have to look like Johnny Bravo. You just need to be observant on things that they like and strike them there. Girls always like to be admired so you have to make sure that you always express your liking for them if you want to get their attention. As soon as you make their defense walls weak, you are sure to get their trust which will soon lead them to respond positively to you.

You can find more on http://magneticmessagingreviews.com

The author has spent a lot of time learning about how to text a girl and other related topics. Read more about what to text a girl you like at the author's website.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to build a fearless relationship

How to build a fearless relationship

p>Today fear is rampant in all areas of our lives. There are many ways we seek safe harbor, a place to feel protected and cared for. Many turn to relationships for security and comfort. Then, a paradoxical thing happens, the relationship itself becomes a cause of fear. What makes this happen? How do we build fearless relationships, based on courage and good will?

It has been said that there are only two emotions: love and fear. For some of us, oddly, love is frightening, while fear feels safe. We think fear will warn us of danger and keep us alert. We are taught it

can be dangerous to be trusting; that love can make us weak. We begin to distrust our partners, our feelings and ourselves. This is the work of fear, creating confusion and lies.

In fact, it is fear that cannot be trusted; fear is a liar that undermines our basic sense of confidence, clarity and good will. It makes us prey to those who wish to control or attack us in various ways. Self-hatred, one of the main psychological illnesses in this country, is fuelled by fear. It infects every aspect of our being and undermines the very core of our relationships. The original love of life, curiosity, playfulness and joy we are born with is wiped away.

There is no place where fear manifests more directly than in relationships. As we become vulnerable, we simultaneously become afraid of rejection or loss. It is, therefore, of the utmost importance to learn and practice the principles of fearless relationships, to learn how to dissolve fear on the spot. As we do so, we naturally discover where to put our trust, and how to become strong and safe, no matter what life brings. In this process, we are creating fearless relationships, relationships based upon good will and trust.

One of the most common causes of fear in relationships is the fear of rejection, of not being good enough, or able to satisfy our partners or ourselves. When this fear becomes active, we twist and turn ourselves into a pretzel, become someone we aren't to get the love and acceptance we crave. However, this craving is a drug and the more we get, the more we want; and ultimately, the emptier we become. But it is only the false self that demands this, the self that is fuelled by fear. The truth is that you can never change enough or do enough to "make" someone love you. This is only the voice of fear speaking, turning the truth upside down.

No matter how much praise the ego receives, it never feels really approved of or loved. By its very nature, the ego is skiddish, fearful and ungrounded. It constantly craves more and feels threatened regularly. The ego cannot distinguish between what is useless and what is valuable. It eats too much, makes wrong choices and refuses to face reality. When two egos join together for a love relationship, sooner or later, they become shipwrecked, and wonder what went wrong.

Although we spend much of our time and energy building the ego, we do not realize that who we are is intrinsically perfect, lovable and complete. If we turn to a relationship to validate or complete ourselves, we are bound to suffer. No matter how many times Amy's boyfriend told her he loved her, she didn't believe it. She needed to hear it again and again. "Why do you love me?" she kept asking. Of course this became exhausting for her boyfriend, who, feeling drained, ultimately left. Why would we cling to our disturbing egos? Because we have no idea how magnificent we truly are.

There is another way to proceed. Use your relationship as a teacher to find out who you really are and discover the difference between real and counterfeit love. Learn the basic principles of fearless relationships, absorb these principles, live with them and practice them day by day.

Learn how to release fear and build fearless relationships in Fearless (The 7 Principles of Peace of Mind), by Brenda Shoshanna, Ph.d. Dr Shoshanna is a psychologist, relationship expert, author and workshop leader who's work is dedicated to helping you release your fears, build fearless relationships and live life to the brim. She can be reached at topspeaker@yahoo.com, http://www.becomefearless.org

Why to make him feel insecure in your relationship

Why to make him feel insecure in your relationship

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, in your Newsletter, on your website, or in your E-Book, as long as the author's Resource Box is included with the article.

All relationships go through a give more, take more stage- where you're more invested in it than he is. When you want to get his attention again, to return things back to your earlier romance, one of the best ways is to make him insecure [http://www.fundamentalsoflove.com/relationship/deal-with-insecurities-in-long-distance-relationships.html]. It sounds horrible, doesn't it? But when a guy gets too comfortable, or is taking you for granted- desperate times call for desperate measures. Making him feel more insecure will help him appreciate you (and the relationship) more, and could prevent him from straying. Feeling insecure will make him want to chase you again, and keep you. It will also make you feel better- and more valued.


  • Silence is golden. Don't wait by the phone for him, or send him a constant stream of texts. Take your space, and give him some. This is important when he doesn't appreciate the time you've been spending together. It's also good for you to become less dependent on him and on the relationship. Letting him chase you will make him feel insecure in your relationship, and he'll want to work harder on it.

  • Make new friends. Get out of the house. Be busy. Spend more time with your friends, and start making new ones. He shouldn't feel like you're at his beck and call, or that you're living and breathing for him. Meeting new people, especially other men, will help to make him feel more insecure in the relationship. It can also make you feel more attractive.


  • Focus on his faults. He's not a perfect person, and instead of hoping he'll change you should tell him how he could improve. If he's feeling over-confident in the relationship, and treating you differently because of it, chances are his ego needs to be taken down a notch. Making him feel insecure with criticism will also make him reflect, and could lead to positive changes.

  • Make a list. Keeping track of your gripes as they come up will help you to communicate specifically to him of where there are problems. When he's secure in the relationship, he probably doesn't see what he's doing in the relationship. Letting him know where he's going wrong will make him feel insecure, which can be positive for you both- he can try harder in the relationship.


  • Beware of backfire. Making a man feel insecure in your relationship could backfire- you could push him away instead of bringing him closer. Choosing between trying to make him feel insecure, or being happy with the relationship as it is can be difficult. However, it could also make you happier if things change. If you'll get the appreciation and respect you want.

Note: You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, in your Newsletter, on your website, or in your E-Book, as long as the author's Resource Box is included with the article.

If you are witnessing a sink in your relationship, it's time for you to grab some worthy relationship advice. Today many successful love stories owe the credit to the relationship tips and love advice that proved handy in helping them cement their relationship stronger.

Don't take your relationship for granted

Don't take your relationship for granted

p>One of the main factors contributing to the downfall of long-term relationships or marriages is being taken for granted. After a while, all of the things that made you feel special, wonderful, and unique are now simply accepted as standard features in your relationship. Sometimes it comes to a point where even a small lapse from your usual behavior is held against you. Although this is not the most pleasant feeling to deal with, this is completely normal and expected in relationships. In fact, it's a demonstration of habituation, something that is not going away in a relationship unless it is addressed. If you have ever taken your spouse, partner, or family member for granted then it will absolutely affect your relationship in a negative manner. No one likes to be taken for granted, and very few people will put up with it for a lengthy period of time.

Nothing makes people feel more on top of the world than the feeling of being acknowledged, appreciated, and valued. When relationships are young and budding, there is always a sense of excitement, admiration, and affection. We say nice compliments to each other, we spend time together, and we appreciate even the smallest things done for us. However, after a while, relationships exit the "honeymoon phase" and become relatively stagnant. Why do we lose our sense of appreciation, and how can we get it back?

There are multiple ways that we can take our significant others for granted; the following are just a few examples. We can take our roles as partners, parents, or guardians more seriously than their role. For instance, we think our contributions at work and with family are more significant than our partners, and that our work is not acknowledged enough. In addition, many of us forget to say please and thank you after your partner cooks, cleans, does the dishes, or does some other act of kindness. Sometimes, we fail to say how lucky or fortunate we are to have each other in our lives. Often times, we become demanding and treat our partners differently than our friends or family because we expect too much of them. We may speak of them or speak to them in a disrespectful way, hurting their feelings. Finally, we tend to expect certain things within our own household, like dinner being ready, or the house being cleaned every week.

The following are some tips to keep you from being taken for granted:

1. Do things for yourself--Many people think that they should make certain efforts solely for your partner, spouse, or family members. However, as generous as this sounds, it leads to nothing but a negative result. If you are putting all your energy into others, you are guaranteed to be upset and disappointed when others do not appreciate your efforts. Be sure to tell yourself, "I'm doing this only for myself, this is what I want to do!" Although this may sound selfish, it is necessary to take some time for yourself and do things that make you happy. No one else has to notice your actions, or send compliments your way, because it is benefiting your own self-growth!

2. Be sure to reward yourself--It is possible that your partner or spouse isn't giving you much credit, but you can certainly give yourself credit to boost your self-esteem. Whenever you accomplish a goal, or finish a difficult task, reward yourself and get some satisfaction!

3. Verbally express your appreciation for what your partner/spouse does--The best advice to remain a happy couple is to appreciate what your partner or spouse does on a daily basis. In other words, if you want others to be respectful towards you, you need to be respectful towards others. Also, if you feel like you have to push yourself to feel thankful for what others are doing, remind yourself that is what they typically have to do for you, which will ease resentment between the two of you.

4. Being taken for granted is a form of praise--Although it doesn't always feel the best to be taken for granted and under-appreciated, you can always use reverse psychology to turn it into a compliment. It is true that the more reliable, patient, and friendly you are, the more likely you are going to be taken for granted.

Being taken advantage of isn't something abnormal in a relationship, it is actually a sign of habituation and comfort. Unless it is addressed specifically, it is not going to change, so it is best to work with it than to battle against it. Many people believe that once you exit the "honeymoon phase," it's inevitable to regain that special bond back between a couple. However, we each have total control of our actions and thoughts, therefore, we can learn to appreciate our significant others' actions, which will regain the strong bond back. If you make the active decision to be grateful for your spouse or partner, it will automatically improve the relationship. Not only is this the right thing to do, but it strengthens your relationship and makes you feel worthy again. If both partners feel like they have a purpose, and both partners are willing to put forth the effort, then your relationship will thrive!

Nancy Travers, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, specializes in all types of relationships; dating, existing relationships, family relationships, and relationships with friends and business relationships. She also helps her clients overcome anxiety and depression through talk therapy as well as through hypnosis. What sets her apart from many other counselors is that she has counseled in the gay/lesbian community for over 10 years. She also has experience counseling families with elder care issues. Nancy has been in practice for over 15 years and can provide you with the tools you need to approach dating and relationships with confidence. Visit her website at

Learn how to date healthy

Learn how to date healthy

Things are changing rapidly in today's society, even in dating relationships; time is no longer essential and because of that separation in a relationship occurs rampantly indifferent of how long a relationship has lasted. What this all means is that longevity is no longer a guarantee that any relationship will last beyond it useful live at any time sometime unexpected comes between the two parties. So, the simple question that someone in protracted healthy dating relationship has to ask him or herself is; can this relationship carry on and lead to something more if I don't work hard on it?

If you absolutely want to revitalize and make your relationship last for a long time, here are five tips that you can use.

1. Be a trustful person: Your partner wants to know that he or she can trust you no matter what. Be candid and clear when you talk to each other and understand that honesty is always to best policy particularly in a relationship. White lies can only get you so far, if you're dedicated about your relationship you must learn how to dish the lies and how to genuinely be honest with your lover. If you are a addicted liar keeping a relationship will be a struggle for you; nevertheless, you could be truthful with your partner about your weakness in not telling the truth and beg him or her to encourage you to be more honest. Stay honest with your lover so that she can also be candid with you.

2. Keep your commitment: Do not accept a date invitation unless you are up to it and can show your date that you are there with them to have a great time. You can say genuinely that you are looking forward to your romantic date but your body just can't manage to cope up. Most partners or even first date will understand your honesty and will be agreeable to re-schedule your date when you both will be prepared and up to it. I will make it up to you is probably one the desirable phrases that most healthy dating relationship is based on; so when you fail your partner in any way, promise to make it up to them and you would be taken aback how fast your partner will accept your regrets. This way, she will appreciate that you value her.

3. Docket your activities together as a team: When planning for social activities or convenience travel that will involve your partner make sure that you let them in on it ahead of time so that they can make their schedule fit also. Do not assume that your schedule will always fit your partner's schedule; appreciate them and keep them informed of what you are doing ahead of time. As you allow your partner to make a decision to include you, so should you expect them to take part in your decision, but don't persuade them into it.

4. Control your expectations: Communicate candidly about your emotions and expectations, but do not invariably expect your partner to comprehend or be ready to meet your expectations mainly if you did not convey that to them distinctly. Most relationships fail because couples are not forthcoming about their affection; and even sometimes hide their feeling or what they think about the relationship with the other person.

5. Respect and support their occupation: Whether you have career of your own or not, continually try to appreciate what your partner does for a living, but more essentially avoid competing with your lover as far as occupation goes. Harmony and appreciation of one careers and ideas is a serious part of every successful relationships; therefore learn to appreciate and support each other's jobs and aspirations.

Give and take is a simple solution to many acrimonious relationship, and partners who find out early on to give and take will see their relationship grow healthier. Healthy dating relationship is in name only when individuals who admit to love each other are not respecting each other's feeling, and are not being truthful with each other, and most important; are as strangers to one another.

{Lastly, I want to say that these tips and ideas are not original. These are simple natural tips that most folks who have been in relationship for some time probably know about. So take them to heart and use them in your relationship as needed|To infer, I must say that these ideas and tips on healthy relationship are not new. There are advices that have been used by lovers for many years to enhance their relationships. So if you think that you need it, apply it in your relationship and see if it helps|The last and not the least, take these healthy relationship tips to heart; this may not be the first time you heard about them and plausibly will not be the last. Try to apply them in your own relationship where you think it is needed, and hopefully it can make a difference in your own life.

Are you looking for relationship advice for men that you could use to advance your relationship? If your answer is yes I firmly recommend that you visit dating advice for women Pages for more information on how you can accomplish just that.

How to tell a relationship is ending

How to tell a relationship is ending

When a relationship is coming to an end, you can usually tell. It's not hard to see when your partner is beginning to act different and showing you signs of a breaking up relationship. If you're reading this article, then you've probably already noticed them. Here are the 3 tell tale signs you should be looking for.

Sign #1

If your partner is beginning to pick fights with you for every little thing, its a good sign that he or she is no longer happy in the relationship. If you notice that he or she is more on edge lately and seems to fight with you about small things that should not even be an issue, it's a good sign that the relationship may be coming to an end.

Sign #2

Does it seem like your partner criticizes you for everything? Does he or she say hurtful things with no regard to your feelings? If you're being criticized for the way you do normal things like brush your teeth or tie your shoe, you should be ready for a break up in the near future.

Sign #3

Does he/she seem less interested in you? If you used to have a very healthy sexual relationship, and now you don't have sex at all, its a good sign that he or she has lost interest. Or maybe you notice that your partner likes to spend more time with his/her friends than with you. This is a sign that the relationship may be ending soon.

STOP! Are you about to lose your ex forever?

Usually, when we see signs of a breaking up relationship, we panic and make some Devastating Mistakes, such as begging or arguing about the situation. 99% of us make these mistakes and if not corrected, they usually end up ruining any chance of getting back together.

Watch the video on http://www.winyourexbacknow.net to learn exactly how to erase all of these mistakes, keep you from making anymore, and take the first step to getting your ex back.

This one simple step takes 5 minutes to complete and will turn you from needy and dependent, to confident and independent in her/his eyes!

author on relationship conflict

Does relationship counseling really work

Does relationship counseling really work?

We've all been at a point in our romantic relationships when trouble seems to brew more than ever before. Part of being in a committed relationship is working through those times when not everything is picture perfect. When people think of counseling they often think of marriage counseling - embarking on periodic meetings with professional therapists in order to save a marriage. But relationship counseling applies to all manner of relationships - whether married or not - and can help you achieve a level of communication and understanding previously unknown in your relationship.

Relationship counseling is nothing to be ashamed of and, if entered into with a professional, reputable therapist, can affect great change in your relationship and your life in general. Many people find that they require relationship counseling because of a particularly stressful period in their lives. Work stress, financial woes, and family issues can put an inordinate amount of stress on a relationship and sometimes it requires the assistance of a third party in order to make things better.

Couples turn to relationship counseling for a variety of reasons - both large and small. Sometimes such counseling can simply help a couple learn how to better communicate with each other and meet each other's needs to the best of their abilities. We all come into a relationship with our own ingrained way of communicating; and often we may as well be speaking a different language to each other. Relationship counseling can help us redefine our ideals and find a common ground on which to communicate.

In some cases, the reasons for seeking relationship counseling are much larger; infidelity, financial hardship, and even abusive situations all warrant bringing a professional into the mix who can offer objective advice and help the couple determine the best course of action. In some cases, this may mean the eventual end to the relationship if it is unhealthy to stay together. But relationship counseling can help you understand what is most important to each of you as individuals.

Entering into relationship counseling, however, means finding a reputable professional who can work with you as a couple. Do not simply go through the yellow pages to find a counselor. Work with your insurance carrier or primary care physician to find relationship counseling that comes with reputable standing. Finally, meet with the therapist before embarking on counseling to make sure that you both feel comfortable with the choice.

There are many couples who find themselves involved in relationship counseling eventually. And while the process can be uncomfortable and even painful, the end result can be so worth the work - bringing the couple to new heights of happiness and understanding.

For easy to understand, in depth information about relationship counseling visit our ezGuide 2 Relationships.

How to get over your first love

How to get over your first love

For most of us, getting over your first love can seem impossible. It's hard to believe that we can ever really be happy again or that we will ever find someone who 'gets' us the same way our love did. The truth is, no matter how hard it is to believe right now, that as humans we are capable of loving many people. We can love very deeply and while we won't love each person in exactly the same way, we can have more than one 'true love' in our lifetimes. The most important thing you need to do is get yourself in a position where you will be able to love again, and that will take some time.

Here are the best steps for making a clean break so that you can move on and find love at some point:

1. You have to face the fact that your relationship is over. This is unbelievably hard to do. You thought the two of you would be together forever and you can't imagine that it could really be over. You have to face the fact that it is over and cut off all communication with your ex.

2. Do not allow yourself to hide away. A few days, or weeks, of wallowing and hiding out is ok, but after that it's time for you to rejoin the world. That's not to say that you should start dating, you probably shouldn't at this point, but you can start spending time with family and friends and not just moping around in your bathrobe for days on end.

3. Do those things that you weren't able to do when the two of you were together. In all relationships there are things that one person doesn't want to do and more often than not the person who does like to do it doesn't get the chance. Now is the time to revisit those things that you've put on hold. Remember the activities and places that once brought you joy and let them bring you joy again.

4. Take this time to reevaluate who you are and what you want. Make yourself the best 'you' you can be. Lose weight, take a class, find a new job, paint your house, it doesn't matter what it is as long as it will have a positive impact on your life. These types of activities will make you feel a little more in control and will help you grow as a person. They can also give you something to distract yourself from the pain you are feeling, at least for a short time.

5. This is the hardest one... give yourself time. Whether you believe it or not at this point, some day the pain will fade and just be a memory and when that day comes you will be ready to love again. You have to give yourself the time you need to mourn your lost love and regain your strength. Don't let others tell you when you should be over it, you will get over it at your pace. However, if you don't seem to be moving forward even a little after several months you may need to have a counselor help you through the grieving process.

Getting over your first love will seem like an impossible task. After all, this is the first time you've ever felt like this and it's easy to believe that you could never possible feel this way again, but you can, and if you give yourself time you will.

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

What men crave in women

What men crave in women

1. A Man Wants Someone He Can Trust
Sounds simple right? Actually, what it means might be different from what you may think. It means a man wants someone that will remain loyal to him. It does not refer to monogamy, although that is certainly important, and a given.

A man measures trust by what a woman does when she has the chance to embarrass or to hurt him. After a man gives a woman his heart, he wonders what she will do with that power. Does she pay attention to the fact that he doesn't like to be called certain names - even playfully? Has she observed that even though he likes to be the "life of the party," he is actually pretty self conscious about what people think of him?

In his mind, as the woman in his life you will get to see a vulnerable side of him that others don't. When he dates you, and especially when he marries you, he wants to know that your allegiance is to him. Even though he may deserve to be ridiculed at times, he wants to know you understand him so intimately that you can put him in his place (respectfully) with just a look. In his mind, this is very sexy.

2. Men crave a woman that is easy to pleaseMany individuals misunderstand this statement by assuming that a woman that is considered “easy to please” goes along with everything. Not true. It doesn't matter if you have a tendency to be picky or to be carefree, as long as you don't expect a man to read your mind. Remember, he is not one of your girlfriends, and even though there are times when it seems he can read your mind, those times are usually the exception, not the rule.

When you are pleased with something, don't just express your pleasure verbally, include a positive emotional response as well (i.e., smile, hug him, laugh, etc.). Even though you may "tell him" what you like, that won't have nearly the impact on him as it would if you expressed your delight by involving your emotions too. So, while you can convey your happiness or gratitude verbally, couple this with an emotional response, and notice the difference it will make.

3. It's not your weight… Men don't obsess about a woman's weight nearly as much as women do. Forget what you see on TV and in movies. What men notice is how a woman's weight directly affects her outlook on life.

So why do men usually like thin women? Because when a woman feels great about her body, she glows. She dresses in order to draw attention to herself. Whereas women that are self conscious about their weight, often dress in a way that appears as though they are attempting to hide.

Remember this, when a man looks at you, he is hard wired to like your curves. Yes, I do know that some men won't look at any woman that weighs more than 100 pounds (45 KG), but can you imagine being with that type of guy? Please trust me when I tell you that as a woman, you are designed in such a way that men can't help but look at you. Please stop trying to be the perfect weight. The attitude and confidence a woman exhibits are what men notice more than what she actually weighs.

Read more at www.winningatlove.com